
Warm and Cool Color Cityscape Printmaking

5th graders first we used watercolors to create the backdrop for our cities. We painted the top half of our paper with warm colors to represent the sky and the bottom half with cool colors to represent water.We set our papers aside to dry and move to our next step.

Then we drew our city design on printing foam. We used a pencil to press firmly into the foam leaving the valleys that will be our lines when we print.  We cut the city outline out of the foam and got ready to print. We used ink to load our brayers and spread a thin amount of ink on our city. We lined up the city on the top half of the watercolor paper and pressed all over the backside of the foam. We then carefully lifted to reveal the first print. Then we used the same piece of foam without re-inking and pressed to create a print on the blue portion (or reflection) of our city. 

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